Having a rotating 138mm circular graduated ND filter allows the user to highlight specific areas of a scene by darkening a foreground or corner of the shot.
Lindsey Optics offers a new range of Brilliant² Rota-Grads. This line of full-spectrum graduated neutral density spin-on filters fits directly into 4' x 5.65' stem-mounted clip-on matte housings.
Rota-Grads are available in a variety of densities. The 138mm graduated round FSND filter installs on a gear-driven turntable mount that fits into a single matte box slot. A gear wheel allows you to rotate the filter to the desired position and you can then lock this position with the sliding Rota-Lock.
Having a rotating 138mm circular graduated ND filter allows the user to accentuate specific areas of a scene by darkening a foreground or corner of the shot. Additionally, it also makes it easier to align the filter's gently sloping line with a sloping horizon, such as a mountainside.
Rota-Grads Brilliant² offers a significantly larger aperture than other traditional filter alternatives. This allows you to use them with large diameter and wide angle lenses.
- Filter size: 4x5.65'
- Density: 0.6
- Stops: 2
- Diameter: 138mm
- 1 x Lindsey Optics Rota-Grad FS ND 0.6 Graduated Neutral Density Filter.
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