KA-R31S | High load with multi-sockets Hot-Swap Adaptor with SDI 1to2, V-Mount to ARRI ALEXA Mini or

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KA-R31S | High load with multi-sockets Hot-Swap Adaptor with SDI 1to2, V-Mount to ARRI ALEXA Mini or

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Hot-Swap Plate for ALEXA MINI / MINI LF

KA-R31S is a V-mount extended plate dedicated for ARRI ALEXA MINI and MINI LF install. The plate has battery cells inside, and when you changing battery, the plate will take over the power supply for at least 2 minutes, till a new battery is mounted on. So you don’ t need to switch off the cameras with this hot-swap plate.


KA-R31S matches with ARRI original MINI / MINI LF support system by connection with RAB-1 Clamp 2 (K2.0023406).

* The KA-R31S plate doesn’ t include the K2.0023406 clamp.

At least 2mins at 200W load

KA-R31S has CNC alluminum housing, 4 battery cells inside, 14.4V nominal voltage, 43Wh capacity, 200W constant high load.

The full capacity plate will ensure at least 2 minutes at 200W load even after 1000 cycle times.

120 Seconds Countdown Display

The hotswap plate provides an LCD screen to display countdown seconds when changing battery. When battery is removed, the screen will countdown from 120s. You just need to put on a new battery before it count down to 0.

The new battery will charge the hotswap plate as well. You can see the countdown seconds will go back to 120s after a period of time.

Power and SDI Distribution

KA-R31S provides:

1x 8-pin 12-16.8V 200W/16A to ALEXA MINI/MINILF

1x 2-pin LEMO 12-16.8V 38W/3A out

2x D-tap 12-16.8V 125W/10A out

1x USB-A 5V/2A output

1x 8-pin 12-16.8V DC input (For power station hotswap)

And supports 3GSDI 1 to 2 distribution, with SDI isolater inside, to prevent other camera top SDI devices damage the camera SDI port.

15mm Rod Adaptor

KA-R31S provides with a free 15mm Rod Adaptor in the package, to install on the old style ALEXA MINI 15mm rig system.

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